Chris Brown brings a resurgence to his track “Psychic” featuring Jack Harlow with a brand-new music video directed by Cameron Dean with executive production by Shayna Gianelli. “Psychic” was released in 2022 on his album ‘Breezy,’ the deluxe version containing 33 songs. The track is in typical Chris Brown style with a fun beat, catchy lyrics, and a classic RnB vibe, leading to its success. Additionally, with a feature like Jack Harlow, fans were pleased with the collaboration, making a music video an obvious next step.
The music video opens with a futuristic, fantasy scene of a flying car landing behind Chris Brown. The “No Guidance” singer shows off his super powers of flames before taking a running start to jump off of the building; Afterwards, he shortly reveals a second power, wings. The video then cuts to a dance number between him and fellow RnB artist Cassie performing to the lyrics of the track. When reaching Jack Harlow’s section, the “WHATS POPPIN” rapper steps out in a minimalistic room with fog along the floor accompanied with green lights. Overall, the style of the music video leaned into a futuristic aesthetic, suiting the song well.
Check out the music video below!