Written By: Vincent Miron
Amongst all the upcoming artists and rap groups, one duo is set to take over this year.
That’s going to happen soon, with their release of this new song: ”All Eyes On Me”. The Atlanta duo Earth gang has come out with another hit that will most likely be part of their next album that drops this month, ‘Ghetto Gods’. Officially going to be out in less than a week, next Friday the 28th. In their latest work though, they cover sensitive topics.
Bars that carry common ground with any listeners that include references to last year and, how if you’re playing the song you’ve survived the hard part of the pandemic. A line about how money was tight when there was no work and everyone had to manage with only a stimulus check. Not only that, deeper and more meaningful lines are sprinkled throughout the track. Showing love to BLM and, even admitting they haven’t made it until their moms are set for life. These are some of the features making this a banger to start off the year with, but without even mentioning their performance yet.
It’s obvious when they signed to a huge label owned by J. Cole that their talent is unreal. You can hear it yourself on ”All Eyes On Me” when they bring together ‘Hip Hop’, ‘Soul’ and mix in some ‘RnB’. This comes all together with the help of their unmatched vocal performances, on both their parts.
You have to play this track and, tune in on January 28th for their album release!