Doja Cat released a dope new single titled, “Freaky Deaky” with rapper Tyga. She and Tyga have been together on a track before, and it was “Juicy.” The two had a hit back in 2019 and decided to recreate that magic with this new song. The song is also coupled with a video, and the visuals were just as fun and beautiful as the song itself.
Notable Lyrics From “Freaky Deaky”:
Got the mirror on the ceiling
You’re in the mood to please me
When you worth what you worth, I invest in that
Keep your eyes shut, I’ma go tough
He don’t want an “If” or an “And,” just butt
In the video, Doja and Tyga are getting ready to meet up with each other. They are inside their separate houses, which are filled with futuristic technology. Doja Cat literally gets her makeup done by her vanity, and Tyga’s mirror helps pick out his outfit. The cyber tech theme is something that showed all throughout Doja’s ‘Hot Pink’ and ‘Planet Her’ album visuals. This could be a sign that a new album is coming soon. We are excited to see what she puts out next!
Click below to listen to “Freaky Deaky”: