In the summer of 2021, Doja Cat dropped her latest album ‘Planet Her’, which included 14 smash hits. Just last week, the superstar finally debuted a music video for her song “Get Into It (Yuh)”.
The music video takes place in outer space, where Doja is stylishly dressed in her captain attire among her space cadets. As one would expect, she has multiple outfits, makeup, and hair changes throughout the video, all expertly created. In the video, Doja Cat is seen confronting her arch-nemesis about the theft of her pet cat and formally commencing in a fight for its return.
No fan would have guessed the premise of this visualizer, but that’s exactly why Ms.Doja continues to thrive in the industry. She combines creativity, fun, and uniqueness in all she does, and it definitely seems to pan out well for her career.
Check out the music video below!