Recently, iconic rapper and superstar Snoop Dogg collaborated with Sketchers to create “Snoop Dogg’s Featured styles.” This collaboration took form in a 2023 Super Bowl commercial that has audiences watching Snoop Dogg do various activities in his everyday life. Anything from relaxation on a private jet, to coaching a little league football team, performing at a concert, and even sitting in the White House. All while sporting various styles of Sketchers shoes, including their main focus Sketcher’s Slip-ins.
Snoop Dogg can be seen interacting with several other Sketcher’s ambassadors including long-time friend, Martha Steward, and football personalities such as Howie Long and Tony Romo. Snoop has gone on to say “I’m a man of the people. I’m excited to partner with Skechers, who always brings something for everyone, just like me.” He continues by saying “In this commercial, I got together with some of my friends, who also all have very active lifestyles and want to be stylish and comfortable at the same time, which we can do with Skechers. They’re shoes for all walks of life.” Snoop Dogg can also be seen in Martha Stewart’s commercial for Sketcher’s Slip-ins as a tattoo cameo, funny enough.
Go check out the Snoop Dogg Sketcher’s Slip-in commercial available for streaming on YouTube: